Hello, my name is Joel Batalsky and this is my blog. My question is who would want to read this blog or anything else about me? I can not answer this question. The reason that I am writing this blog is because it gives me pleasure to record events in my life. I believe that "Life is short, so you should drink the wine first."
I will try and address topics and things that affect me on a day to day basis in this blog. I am particularly interested in relationships with people, relationships with God, and knowing myself. However I will discuss current topics in the news and events in my life. Please let me have your comments.
Another thought on Wednesday, May 5th. I believe I am a spiritual person having a physical experience. With this thought in mind, I believe that the Torah (5 books of Moses) and the other 34 books are all spiritual in nature and should be read and understood as such. In addition the talmid is both spiritual and physical in nature because it involves interpretation by Rabbis